How we would wear it!

Here are a few tips, tricks, & suggestions on how we would wear our lippies & polishers.

Gloss Lip Polisher:

How we like to apply our Gloss Lip Polisher is by using it to top off our Mini Matte Lippie underneath. That way, if the gloss wears off and we don't have our Lip Polisher nearby we'll be covered because we've got our matte lippie on underneath. It also adds a little moisture to the lips and lots of shine.

Mini Matte Lippie:

Before putting on our Mini Matte Lippie, we first begin with prepping our lips by applying the slightest bit of lip balm, lip moisturizer, or lip oil. Then we proceed with applying our lippie. Being a woman of color who is highly melanated. How our head honcho, Vee, likes to wear our lighter color lippies is by lining her lips with a darker color lippie first, and then adding the lighter color to the bare center of her lips. Then she pops her lips together a few times until she's gotten the desired blend between both colors. Creating the most effortless and perfect ombre lip every time.

Examples of a few ombre Lips |

Hot Cocoa & Pumpkin Pie Mini Matte Lippie ombre lips.

On-The-Go Value Pack:

How we would pack our suitcase is by picking a darker matte color as our sample option and a lighter matte color as our full Mini Matte Lippie and then a complementary Gloss Lip Polisher to top it all off. The perfect lip trifecta in one

The Value Vault:

With the Value Vault you can mix and match the Mini Matte Lippies for your desired look, or even create new colors. Then top it off with your favorite complementary Gloss Lip Polisher. You get the chance to experience the full collection and more all at once.

The Gift of Value Set:

How we would fill our ornament is by picking a darker & a lighter colored Mini Matte Lippie to create a beautiful ombre lip then 2 complementary Gloss Lip Polishers to top it all off. Mixing and matching to get multiple looks out of four lippies.